Preface to the first edition Preface to the second edition 1 Introduction 1.1 Thermotropic liquid crystals: structure and classification of the mesophases 1.1.1 Liquid crystals of rod-like molecules 1.1.2 Liquid crystals of disc-like molecules 1.1.3 Polymer liquid crystals 1.2 Lyotropic liquid crystals 1.3 Polymorphism in thermotropic liquid crystals 2 Statistical theories of nematic order 2.1 Melting of molecular crystals: the Pople-Karasz model 2.1.1 Order-disorder in positions and orientations 2.1.2 Plastic crystals and liquid crystals 2.1.3 Pressure-induced mesomorphism 2.2 Phase transition in a fluid of hard rods 2.3 The Maier-Saupe theory and its applications 2.3.1 Definition of long-range orientational order 2.3.2 The mean field approximation 2.3.3 evaluation of the order parameter 2.3.4 Theory of dielectric anisotropy 2.3.5 Relationship between elasticity and orientational order 2.4 Hybrid models: hard rods with a superposed attractive potential 2.5 Short-range order effects in the isotropic phase 2.5.1 The Landau--de Gennes model 2.5.2 Magnetic and electric birefringence 2.5.3 Light scattering 2.5.4 Flow birefringence 2.5.5 Comparison with the Maier-Saupe theory 2.6 Near-neighbour correlations: Bethe's method 2.6.1 The Krieger-James approximation 2.6.2 Antiferroelectric short-range order 2.7 The nematic liquid crystal free surface 3 Continuum theory of the nematic state 3.1 The Ericksen-Leslie theory 3.1.1 Conservation laws and the entropy inequality 3.1.2 Constitutive equations 3.1.3 Coefficients of viscosity 3.1.4 Parodi's relation 3.2 Curvature elasticity: the Oseen-Z6cher-Frank equations 3.3 Summary of equations of the continuum theory 3.4 Distortions due to magnetic and electric fields: static theory 3.4.1 The Freedericksz effect 3.4.2 The twisted nematic device 3.4.3 The Freedericksz effect in highly anisotropic nematics: periodic distortions 3.4.4