本书内容丰富,信息量大,理论分析深入浅出,语言清晰流畅,科学地记录了该领域的新发现,是一部不可多得的介绍学习策略以及传授学习策略研究方法的入门书。本书常被奉为学习技巧研究中的经典之作,对英语教学以及丰富和拓展第二语言习得理论均有重大的指导意义。 本书的读者对象为应用语言学研究人员、外语教师、英语专业的研究生、其他有关专业的研究人员及对学习策略感兴趣的广大英语爱好者。
Series editors' preface Preface 1 Introduction Background Research on learning strategies Theoretical background in second language acquisition Overview of the book 2 A cognitive theory of learning Background Language as a cognitive skill Representation in memory Stages of skill acquisition Complements to the stage-related theory of learning Language comprehension Language production Learning strategies as cognitive skills Definition and classification Strategies as cognitive processes Conclusions 3 How cognitive theory applies to second language acquisition Background Relationship of cognitive theory to specific constructs Declarative knowledge Procedural knowledge Stages of skill acquisition Conclusions 4 Learning strategies: methods and research A framework for data collection on learning strategies Objective of data collection Language task 5 Strategies used by second language learners6 Instruction in learning strategies7 Learning strategies: models and materials8 Summary and conclusionsGlossary ReferencesAuthor indexSubject index