合乎逻辑的结构:根据主题安排各个章节和段落。每章以学习目标和导论开始,以关键术语、关键概念、疑问、讨论主题、问题和案例结束。概念和讨论主题集中于每章的关键点。疑问和问题测试所学知识,为学生创造性地运用这些资料提供可能。透彻的解释:完整阐述所介绍的每一个主题,使学生可以理解并将其运用于其他概念。坚实的理论基础:基于管理信息系统的现代理论和实践,全书从头到尾都可以发现现代学术和专业期刊的参考资料来源。性:本书作者Raymond McLeod,Jr.具有丰富的管理信息系统知识,他的该类教材被世界各地包括美国哈佛大学在内的学生广泛使用,与其他同类书相比,他的书是欢迎的。
第一部分 核心概念
第一章 信息系统导论
第二章 竞争优势的信息系统
第三章 运用信息技术开展电子商务
第四章 系统使用者和开发者
第二部分 信息资源
第五章 计算和通讯资源
第六章 数据库管理系统
第七章 系统开发
第八章 运用中的信息
第三部分 管理信息和技术
第九章 信息安全
第十章 信息技术的伦理含义
第十一章 决策支持系统
第四部分 项目
项目1 技术强化的演示
项目2 运用Word的Web/HTML项目
项目3 运用Notepad的Web/HTML项目
项目4 Web/HTML客户满意度表格
项目5 web/HTML计算机购买表格
项目6 Spreadsheet基础
项目7 具有数据捕获功能的Spreadsheet——小型货车例子
项目8 具有数据捕获功能的Spreadsheet——大学计算例子
项目9 数据库表格和报告
项目10 数据库查询——Textbook数据库
项目11 数据库查询——Classproject数据库
项目12 基于查询的报告
HISTORY OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS A review of the history of information systems includes a look back at the hardware and how it has been applied. In the half century since the first general-purpose digital computer was installed in a business organization, the hardware has experienced many-fold increases in speed and capacity along with dramatic reductions in size. Concurrently, the computer applications have evolved from relatively straightforward accounting processes to systems designed to support managers and other problem solvers. THE EVOLUTION IN COMPUTER HARDWARE Electro
nic computers as we know them today can be traced to a machine called the Electro
nic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC), which was developed in 1946 by John W.Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. At the time, they were working as engineers at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC was the predecessor of the Remington Rand UNIVAC I, which was the first widely marketed universal automatic computer. The first UNIVAC I was installed in a government organization, the U.S. Census Bureau,in 1951. Three years later, the same type of machine was installed in the first business organization, General Electric. Figure 1.1 is a photograph of a UNIVAC. These machines performed fewer than 2,000 calculations per second——-extremely slow compared to the 2 billion or more instructions per second that are common for todays smallest and least expensive microcomputers. These early computers focused on a single task requested by a single user, and were called mainf
rames. The term mainf
rame is still in use today, but now is used to describe the large, centrally located computers typically found in large organizations. Although IBM was not the first computer manufacturer, it was not long before it became the industry leader. By the end of the 1950s, it had amassed a full product line and in the mid1960s it revolutio
nized the computer industry by introducing the IBM System/360 line of computers. These computers were the first that could co
ncurrently perform multiple tasks from multiple users. Although a computer processor actually performs o
nly one task at a time,the term multitasking refers to the fact that more than one user appears to be working on the computer at the same time. This appearance is made possible by the fact that the computer processes pieces of each users application, and some of the pieces may be interspersed with one or more other applications. Before the System/360, one user started, processed, and completed an entire application before another user could access any of the computer resources.Systems such as the System/360 were very expensive by todays standards and could o
nly be afforded by large organizations. Smaller Computers During these early years, in most finns the computer departments mo
nopolized computer use. Users were not allowed to access the computers, which were housed in the central computin