01食物和饮料 Food and Drink / 001 02水果、蔬菜、肉 Fruit, Vegetables, Meat / 004 03烹饪 Co / 006 04描述某人的家 Describing one's Home / 009 05家庭 Family / 013 06朋友 Friends / 015 07家用器具 Appliances / 017 08日常用品 Articles for Daily Use / 019 09服饰 Clothes and Accessories / 021 10色彩 Colours / 024 11人体和健康 Body and Health / 025 12疾病和 Illness and Treatment / 028 13运动和锻炼 Sports and Exercise / 031 14格与外貌 Personalities and Appearances / 035 15感觉 Feelings / 038 16观点 Opinions / 041 17休闲爱好 Hobbies and Leisure Activities / 044 18文化和艺术 Culture and the Art / 047 19职业和服务 Jobs and Services / 050 20交流与技术 Communication and Technology / 054 21教育 Education / 057 22教课与学eaching and Studying / 061 23国家、国籍和语言 Countries, Nationalities and Languages / 065 24环境和地理 Environment and Geography / 069 25天气预报 Weather Forecast / 072 26季节与气候 Season and Climate / 074 27动物 Animals / 076 28植物 Plants / 079 29城镇、城市 Town, City / 080 30乡下 Countryside / 084 31购物 Shopping / 086 32旅行 Travel / 089 33交通 Transport / 093 34娱乐和媒体 Entertainment and Media / 096 35数字和单位 Numbers and Measurements / 100 36时间 Time / 105 37动词 Verbs / 109 38介词和连词 Prepositions / 114 39副词 Adverbs / 117 40代词和感叹词 Pronouns and Interjections / 119