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本书涵盖了流体力学的基本原理和方程括流体流动、流体质、压力和流体静力学、流体运动学、流体动力学、能量方程、动量方程,本书的特点是将图形和数学工具结合起来,以清晰地揭示流体力学的物理现象,并通过实例指导读者应用这些基本原理和方程来解决实际工程问题。 本书为学力学课程的所有专业的工科学生介绍流体力学,同时也是土木、机械、化学工程或环境工程等领域的所有工程师的参考资料。


1 Introduction 1.1 Basic consideration 1.1.1 Fluid 1.1.2 Categories of fluid mechanicr/> 1.1.3 A brief history of fluid mechanicr/> 1.1.4 Research approaches of fluid mechanicr/> 1.2 The no-slip condition 1.3 Continuum hypothesir/> 1.3.1 Molecular behavior of materialr/> 1.3.2 Macroscopic characteristics of fluidr/> 1.3.3 The continuum concept 1.4 Categories of flow 1.4.1 Inviscid or actual flow 1.4.2 Laminar or turbulent flow 1.4.3 Steady or unsteady flow 1.4.4 Uniform or non-uniform flow 1.4.5 Comprele or incomprele fluid flow 1.4.6 Newtonian or non-newtonian flowr/> 1.4.7 One-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional flowr/> 1.5 Units and dimensionr/> 1.5.1 Unitr/> 1.5.2 Dimensionr/> 1.5.3 Dimensional analysir/> 1.6 Description of forces acting on the differential element 1.6.1 Body force 1.6.2 Surface force Exercir/>2 Properties of Fluidr/> 2.1 Density and specific weight 2.1.1 Density 2.1.2 Specific gravity 2.1.3 Specific weight 2.2 Viscosity 2.2.1 Newton's equation of viscosity 2.2.2 Coefficient of viscosity 2.2.3 Viscosity variation with temperature 2.3 Compreility and expanility 2.3.1 Compression and expansion of liquidr/> 2.3.2 Compression and expansion of gaser/> 2.3.3 Speed of sound 2.4 Surface tension 2.4.1 Surface tension 2.4.2 Capillary effect Exercir/>3 Fluid Staticr/> 3.1 Pressure 3.1.1 Pressure 3.1.2 Units of pressure 3.1.3 Pressure at a point 3.2 Euler's equation 3.2.1 Body forcer/> 3.2.2 Surface forcer/> 3.2.3 Equilibrium of a fluid element 3.3 Pressure variation 3.3.1 Fluid at rer/> 3.3.2 Variation of pressure with depth 3.3.3 Iaric surface 3.4 Pressure measurementr/> 3.4.1 Different scales for pressure 3.4.2 Barometer 3.4.3 Piezometer 3.4.4 Manometer 3.4.5 Differential manometer 3.4.6 Mechanical pressure gage 3.4.7 Electrical pressure transducer 3.5 Static forces on a plane surfacer/> 3.5.1 Direction of the force 3.5.2 Magnitude of the force 3.5.3 Center of pressure Exercir/>4 Fluid Kinematicr/> 4.1 Description of fluid motion 4.1.1 Lagrangian description 4.1.2 Eulerian description 4.1.3 Acceleration field 4.2 Flow patternr/> 4.2.1 Pathliner/> 4.2.2 Streamliner/> 4.2.3 Streakliner/> 4.3 Flow rate and velocity、 4.3.1 Flow rate 4.3.2 Mean velocity 4.4 Continuity equation 4.4.1 Continuity equation for three-dimensional flow 4.4.2 Continuity equation for a streamtube 4.4.3 Continuity equation for flow in a pipe Exercir/>5 Fluid Dynamicr/> 5.1 Equation for inviscid flow 5.1.1 Equation of motion for inviscid flow 5.1.2 The bernoulli equation along a streamline 5.2 Equation for actual flow 5.2.1 Navier-Stokes equationr/> 5.2.2 The energy equation for actual flow 5.2.3 Grade line 5.3 Application of energy equation 5.3.1 Restrictions on using of the bernoulli equation 5.3.2 Application 5.4 Momentum equation 5.4.1 The linear momentum equation 5.4.2 Application of momentum equation Exercir/>6 Head Loss of Viscous Flow 6.1 Fluid flow and flow resistance 6.1.1 Main factors affecting flow resistance on cross-section 6.1.2 Two types of fluid flow and flow resistance 6.2 Two regims of viscous flow 6.2.1 Reynolds experiment 6.2.2 Relationship between flow regime and head lor/> 6.2.3 Criterion for flow regime 6.3 Laminar flow in circular piper/> 6.3.1 Two methods for laminar flow analysir/> 6.3.2 Velocity profile of laminar flow in circular piper/> 6.3.3 Shear stress distribution of laminar flow in circular piper/> 6.3.4 Flow volume and average velocity of laminar flow in circular piper/> 6.3.5 Friction loss of laminar flow in circular piper/> 6.3.6 The entrance region of laminar flow 6.4 Turbulent flow in circular piper/> 6.4.1 Characteristics of turbulence 6.4.2 Parameters description of turbulent flow 6.4.3 Mixing length theory 6.4.4 Velocity distribution in turbulent flow in piper/> 6.4.5 Turbulent and laminar layer 6.4.6 Hydraulic smooth pipe and hydraulic rough pipe 6.4.7 Head loss of turbulent flow in pipe 6.5 Determination of friction factor in circular pipe 6.5.1 Nikuradse experiment 6.5.2 Moody chart 6.6 Calculation of friction loss in noncircular piper/> 6.6.1 Using Darcy-Weiach equation 6.6.2 Using Chezy equation 6.7 Theoretical foundation of boundary layer 6.7.1 Basic concept of boundary layer 6.7.2 Boundary layer separation 6.8 Minor loss in the pipeline 6.8.1 Minor loss of sen expansion 6.8.2 Other types of minor loss calculation 6.8.3 Aggregation of head lor/> Exercir/>Referencer/>Answerr/>


; ; 1 ;IntroductionChapter objectivesAfter learning this chapteryou should be able to(1)Understand the basic consideration of fluid and fluid mechanics(2)Understand continuum hypothesis(3)Recognize the various categories of fluid flow problems encountered in practice·(4)Determine the dimensions and units of physical quantitiespan>1 Basic considerationMechanics is a branch of the oldest physical science that deals with energy and forcesand their influence on the behavior of objects at rest or in motion, ;comprised ofkiicsstaticsand kinematicsFluid mechanics is the category of mechanics in-volving stationary and moving fluidsWhile fluid statics deals with fluids that are at

;restfluid dynamics is concerned with fluids that are in motionpan>1 1 Fluid

;As we all knowthree stales of matter may be categorized aeing gasliquid or solid in

;physicsAlthough different in many respectsliquids and gases have a common charac—teristic in which they differ from solidsthey lack the ability of solids to offer permanent

;resistance t0 a deforming forceThereforea stance in the hquid or gas phase is re—fe,'redto as afluid

;;We can distinguish a solid and a fluid according to the stance’ility to resist an

;applied shear stressno matter how smallthat tends to change its shapeThe qualifiea‘tion”n0 matter how small”in the description of a fluid is significant Usuallya solid

;can return to a prior shape under a certain limiting shear stresscorresponding to the

;vield point of the solidwhereas a fluid deforms continuously under the influence of an

;applied shear stress The state exceeding fhyield point of the solid is known as plasticand Dlastic deformation changes the solid object’s unloaded shape But some solidslike

;paintsjellypitchputtypolymer solutionsand biological stances(for exampleegg whites)appears and behaves as a solid since it resists shear stress for short periods


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